Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mysterious Package!

For days now, packages have been arriving at the Little Bayou House.  Some of these were intended to be Christmas gifts but somehow they were not delivered in a timely manner.  Others were ordered after the holidays and were much needed tools.  Mark spent a good bit of time using his computer to track these packages on their journey to our house.  He would give me updates each day on just where the parcels were and how many days it would take to get here.  Every day, boxes were delivered through the postal service or some other delivery service.  Most of these contained tools for Michael.  Mark is determined that Michael needs a good set of assorted tools if he is to continue doing the work he does.  Michael is appreciative of each and every one.  He opens the box, studies the tool and then promptly places it in his tool box.  He obviously has inherited the knack of caring for his tools.  Both of his grandfathers were sticklers for the care of their tools and I am certainly happy that this trait is evident in my son.

Today, two boxes came.  Mark had informed me earlier that Michael could open the long one.  It contained a pair of tree pruners.  These snips were to replace the ones that broke last week.  Tools are good!  Michael and I, both, were happy to see the snips!  Those will be put to good use this coming week.  The other box was a mystery!  Mark informed me that I was to wait until late evening when he called before opening that one.  I had no idea what was in that box!  Should I snoop?

About five in the afternoon, Mark finally called.  It was time to open the box!  Inside the one box sat another!  Hmmm?  I gingerly opened the inner box to!  Well, my version of shoes anyway!  Mark knows that if I had my druthers, I would live in moccasins and he had bought me a new pair!  What perfect timing this man has!  Just three days ago, my old moccasins had problems.  I had worn a hole right in the sole!  Time and many hikes through the woods and marshes, had taken a toll on the poor moccasins.  I had to wear shoes.  Shoes!  Shoes and I do not get along well.  My feet feel confined and restricted.  I can hardly walk!  Yep, I am one of those rare women that does not even own a pair of heels!  My goodness, I do not even understand how anyone can walk in those!  Give me my moccasins and I am good to go!  And he did just that!  To top it off, these moccasins are red leather!  Mark obviously knows me quite well.  Red is just about my favorite color in the whole world and now I have red moccasins!  I love packages containing useful things!  I love packages containing red moccasins!  What a good man my husband is!  Red moccasins!

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