Friday, January 24, 2014

That's Cool!

Winters on the Bayou cannot compare with those of our neighbors to the north and by "north", I mean just about everyone else.  Living right down on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, it is rare that we have more than a few chilly nights.  Then came this.  This wonderfully winter like weather that has put us all in a state of "brrr, It sure is cold out there!" mentality.  Personally, I like it!  I probably would not make that claim if I had to endure what most of the nation is suffering but our wintry mix suits me just fine.  I have no qualms about feeding that wood stove enough to make the Little Bayou House warm and snug.  I, also, have no qualms about trudging out to the woodpile while it is sleeting.  It just feels good to be experiencing a bit of winter even if most folks would laugh at our weak attempts of having "cold".  Still, for us, it brings a break in what we normally have and stirs things up a bit.  Today and still tonight, it is sleeting. We seem to get sleet instead of snow even though the weatherman is calling for a couple of inches of the white stuff tonight.  I will be out bright and early to see if that comes true or not.

Late this evening as I went out to retrieve the bird feeders, I noticed something that I have not seen since a kid.  Icicles!  Imagine!  For us, those are the neat things that one might see on a Christmas card  snow scene but surely not hanging from the eaves of the house!  That just does not happen here!  Actually, my icicles were not hanging from the eaves but rather from a shepherd's hook in the rose garden.  When I reached up to rescue the suet feeder from any marauding raccoons that might be hunting a free meal tonight, my hand brushed against something really cold!  Yep, icicles were forming on the hook!  Now granted, all of you folks from a bit north of here will scoff at my pathetic three inch long bits of ice but I think they are beautiful!  The little sparkles caused by my flashlight did indeed make me smile!  As matter of fact, I actually went back inside and announced "We have icicles!" to anybody who might be interested.  Neither Mark nor Michael seemed to think my discovery was that earthshaking.  No one came rushing outside to view my spectacular find.  Hmmph!  I like that!  It is not every day here on the Bayou that things happen like this!

I am sure that if the weather stays as cold (ok, cool) as it is right now, our place might look a bit different by morning.  The sleet continues to fall at a steady rate and is doing a fine job of making the walkways slippery.  I have an inkling that my trek to the pier might best be left off the predawn agenda.  There is no need for me to go slipping and sliding right off into the mud!  Stay warm, folks!  Throw another log on the fire, bundle up in a warm afghan and sip a nice cup of herbal tea!  I will keep you abreast of the "Ice Age" that is hitting the Coast!

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