Monday, January 6, 2014

Tick Tock

Tick..tock..tick..tock..tick..tock.  Just about midnight last night, a strange noise suddenly filled  the living room.  Tick..tock..tick..tock.  Yes, it was a clock.  My large cuckoo clock was tick-tocking away with a loud resonance. While this might not seem strange to you, it was almost unsettling to me at the moment.  Why, might you ask, would a ticking clock bother me so much?  Well, you see, this clock normally does not make this much racket!  Sure, it ticks but quietly, very quietly.  The ticks are almost inaudible.  It is a battery operated clock not an old style pendulum regulated type.  It does have a pendulum but for aesthetic value only. For some reason just at midnight, the clock was echoing through the silent house.  Tick..tock..tick..tock.  Hmmmm?  Well, I could hop up out of my nice warm spot and investigate or I could allow the clock to go on doing its thing for the rest of the night.  Yep, I chose the warm blankets over a loud clock.

By morning, I had grown used to the sound and paid no heed to the tick-tocking.  For some reason, it did not seem so very loud with the morning light.  When Michael wandered into the living room later, he got a puzzled look on his face.  He looked at me and asked what was wrong with the clock.  Oh! Yeah!  The clock was still making that strange, loud noise.  Being one who does not like things to change, he checked the pendulum on the clock.  "Well now, that is a tad unusual."  he murmured.  Reaching up he touched a picture standing on a shelf near the clock.   The tick-tocking ceased immediately with a slight movement of his hand.

It seems that during the night, that picture had inexplicably moved a slight bit and the pendulum was tapping it.  The sound was not the ticking of the clock but rather the tapping of the pendulum on the picture frame.  Neither Michael nor I could explain how after all these many days, the picture moved. Did the sudden drop in temperature cause some slight movement?  Has some small critter moved into the Little Bayou House for the winter and maybe nudged the picture with its scurrying?  Or..or..umm. Hey!  Maybe I have learned telekinesis in my sleep!  Maybe I can move things around with my brain while I sleep!  Wouldn't that be great?  Now that the mystery is solved, I need to learn how to use this new power to clean house while I slumber!  Ok, ok, we will just say that the Little Bayou House probably shifted a bit.  Boooo!  Telekinesis sounds much more fun.

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