Sunday, February 2, 2014

Could it be?

There is one thing that is certain about the weather this far south.  It keeps you guessing.  You never know from one day to the next what to expect.  Forget trying to create a wardrobe by the season.  There is no such thing as "packing away the winter (or summer) clothes".  One day the temperatures are in the teens, it is sleeting and the wind is blowing mightily.  Three days later, the temperatures are pushing the seventies and the sun is bearing down for all it is worth.  Then, without notice, you have days like today. (And these are quite often!)  FOG!  Thick, pea-soup type fog that makes one's mind wander off into the mysteries of werewolves and vampires!  The Londonish fog that feels like it is closing in around you.  The kind that is a bit stifling and causes commonplace sounds to echo through the Bayou and makes every tree and bush a bit eerie.  Yep, that pretty much describes today.  FOG.  Lovely, thick fog cloaking everything while making those of us with imaginations go wild.

I actually took a hike about the hillside regardless of the fact that I was getting quite drenched.  Ms. Ez was scouting out the area ahead of me when all of a sudden WHOOSH!  Something large took off through the marsh.  This was not to the dog's liking causing her to turn and hightail it back to my side.  She stood there trembling not sure just what had startled her so.  Try as I might, I could not see what had made the loud noise and tremendous splash.  The usual critters of the Bayou do not frighten Ms. Ez one bit.  Raccoons, nutria rats, otters or any of the large birds never give her any reason to be upset.  In fact, she always wishes to play with them.  (This dog so needs a friend but at this way.)  I edged my way closer to the marsh to investigate.  Ms. Ez tagged along behind me now.  She was not too sure that we should be moving closer to whatever was there.  I peered into the marsh.  Nothing.  I could see nothing.  The fog blocked my view.  Only my imagination could see and that was working overtime.  Hmmm?  Has our swamp critter returned?

I am pondering the idea that perhaps the ruckus in the marsh was created by the doe that has been frequenting the front yard.  I think she might be visiting the bird feeders.  What the birds and squirrels do not eat during the day, the raccoons and perhaps this little doe eats at night. Silly dog!  Why are you startled by a deer?  Or.....was it something else?  Something that was masked by the thick fog.......ahhh, foggy, foggy mystery of the Bayou!

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