Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Don't "Sweat" the small stuff or karma stings!

  Well, this has been the most accident-filled day for me. Murphy's Law and all of that seemed to be working overtime for me.  Actually, it all started at two in the morning. Ms. Ez, the mutt, decided that she "had" to go out.  This took priority over my sleep according to her so she kept insisting until I got out of bed.  In a sleep-drugged state of mind, I opened the door.  Well, that would never do!  The gate was also locked so I headed down the five steps to the walkway to unhitch the thing.  After my second step, Ez bolted.  Her full weight hit me just behind the knees and sent me sailing down the steps.  WHAM!  I hit the board walkway full force on my hands and knees. OWWW!  That smarted!  I pulled myself up.  Oh, geez!  Both knees were bleeding, my left ankle hurt like crazy and my left hand was extremely bruised.  Ugh!  DUMB DOG!  I opened the gate and banished her to down the hillside!  Slowly, I hobbled back up the steps.  The dog would just have to stay outside as I hurt far too bad physically to care plus I was about as aggravated as I could get at an animal.  To be honest, I was seriously considering locking the gate forever!  OWWW!  I limped to the bathroom to cleanse and bandage my wounds. The rest of the night was spent trying not to think of my poor aching body.  Come morning, I still hurt.  My ego was as bruised as my body, though, as just the thought of being blindsided by a trusted dog hurt.  Still, I did not open the gate.  She was in exile until I cooled off a bit.  DUMB DOG!  Growl!

  Mid morning saw me pulling more weeds in the garden spots.  I do wish that my vegetable plants grew as fast as weeds!  As I pulled, Ms. Ez watched from outside the fence.  I refused to let her in the garden even though she whined to be.  She eagerly brought her ball to the fence begging for me to play with her.  NO!  GO AWAY!  I was still sore at her.  I grabbed more weeds and yanked them from the soil.    OWWW!  What in the world?  My right hand was on fire!  I unclenched my fist to see a bit of glittery green.  Wow!  Something had stung me!  In my fit of inattention, I had grasped a bee along with the clump of weeds.  Albeit a pretty bee, it was still a bee and it let me know that real quick!  My hand started swelling while I was still holding the tiny bee.  It was (past tense is important here) a pretty thing.  My aggravated clutch on the clump of weeds had not only injured my hand but fatally injured the bee as well.  Poor thing!  It was just doing its own little bee thing and I smashed it to smithereens!  I called Michael and told him of my plight.  We looked at the bee admiring its color. The green metallic torso sparkled in the sunshine.  This was a Green Sweat Bee so called because they are sometimes attracted to sweat and they are, well, green!  My little bee was not attracted to me as much as to the pollen on the weeds in my garden.  These bees are not inclined to sting unless pinched and I guess I really did pinch hard.   I had it coming.  Poor little bee.  I am sorry that I killed you!

  I suppose my anger towards the dog led to my inattention in the garden.  Karma came back to sting me.  Not only do I have scrapes and bruises from the clumsy dog, now I have a bee sting to match.   So goes life.  Michael told me that it was a signal that it was quitting time for me and that I should take it easy for the rest of the day.  Hmmm..that just seems far too easy.

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