Sunday, February 16, 2014

Let the Battle Begin!

  Sometimes we just have to choose our battles wisely.  There is not a lot of use in banging our heads against the wall of it does not achieve a single thing.  Take for instance, the voles that have invaded the hillside.  Should I spend my lifetime trying to eradicate these vile things or merely see them for the nuisance they are and accept the fact that I will be plagued by their presence.  My time worrying about their existence seems to be pointless.  No matter how I try, I will never defeat the multitudes of rodents that live peacefully under my footsteps.  So, I have let that battle go the wayside with hopes that natural predators will step in and thin the herd.  My not so direct battle plan is to not have one!  I will just encourage more predators to inhabit the area and let them do their thing.  Fox, owls, hawks, snakes, cats and even the coyotes can roam about the place freely if they just eat a few of the rodents!  I will help them as much a possible.

  My plan is to merely expose the runs or tunnels so at night when the voles are at play, the other animals can spy them much easier.  Sounds like an easy-peasy plan to me.  The recent ice storm caused all of the leaves to fall from the trees so I have been in yard-cleaning mode this week.  All of the raking, uncovered lots of exit holes of the voles.  That started me thinking about helping the predators.  Now everyday, I move some items to expose the runs.  Yesterday, it was the large flower pots that hold the Hibiscus trees.  Where these sat on the ground, numerous tunnels were laid open.  Last night, some critter obviously feasted on voles!  Telltale evidence of digging and fur bits was all I needed to see to know the plan was working.  Today, I uncovered more tunnels.

  At the end of the board path that leads to the pier, a small deck held evidence of vole dwellings.  I lifted several of the boards and sure enough there was a network of tunnels with plenty of exit holes.   Evidently, the voles were making nightly raids on the bird feeders.  Empty sunflower seed shells were amassed under the deck.  The critters left neat piles of discarded shells after they feasted.  Hopefully, the rodents will continue to feed tonight and my friendly owls will be the ones feasting!

  With this method of eradication, I can lazily lift a few boards and let the natural predators do the work!  I have chosen my battle and my army.  Now I shall sit back and see who wins the war.

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