Thursday, February 20, 2014

Oh, rats!

   Oh, rats!  Mark and I went out to fill the bird feeders last week and then decided to take a hike to the pier. The plastic coffee canister that held the birdseed was placed on the board path with intentions of being picked back up on our return trip. Well, along the way we became sidetracked and took a different route back to the Little Bayou House.  We had rounded the Bayou and came up through the peach orchard in the back of the house.  The blue canister stayed on the path.  There it sat for a number of days merely because I worked on the other side of the house.  The canister was one of those "out of sight, out of mind" things.   Then I decided to make another trip to the pier.

  Oh, rats!  Or should I say "Oh, voles!". Yep, those little rascals were at work again!  For some unknown reason, the tiny critters were not happy eating the spilled sunflower seeds, they had to make a meal out of my canister!  When I picked up the canister, holes had been gnawed through the bottom!  I have no clue why in the world the critters thought this was the ideal thing to do.  The canister was empty, laying on its side and without a top.  The voles could have easily seen that there was nary a seed in the container but, NO, they had to gnaw through the bottom in search of the elusive seeds.  Now my canister was useless!  I cannot carry birdseed in something that is full of holes!  Yes, this was just an empty coffee container but I was being creative by reusing it!  I was UPCYCLING!  I was doing my part in helping out the world and now it was all ruined!  Stupid rats! errr...Voles!

  I am not really upset that the canister was gnawed full of holes but I did find it a bit humorous that the critters thought perhaps the empty bucket somehow magically held food.  I wonder if eating a bunch of plastic gave them bellyaches?  (That would teach them!)  Oh!  My vole eradication system seems to be doing some good!  There is evidence by way of tufts of fur that at least a few of the varmints met their demise!  Some predator has a full belly.  

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