Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The start of something good!

   At eight o'clock this morning, there was a loud rumbling in the yard.  Ms. Ez, the dog, started barking and snarling at the door.  She so wanted out to see what in the world was taking place in our driveway.  I tried to calm her and explain that it was merely a truck but she was having no part of this conversation.  She barked and the truck rumbled.  Personally, I was not one bit upset to see such a large vehicle backing into the yard.  This was a huge truck that was transporting a bunch of lumber to my house!  

  For a couple of years now, I have been hinting to my menfolk that I sure needed a greenhouse.  Not one of those flimsy plastic jobs that are good for maybe two seasons but a sturdy, old-fashioned one with wood sides and real windows.  Mark's sister had given me a lot of old windows that came from their house when it was remodeled.  These were perfect for a greenhouse!  After all of my harping, my son, Michael, has decided to set to work on the project.  He was going to use reclaimed lumber but Mark decided to go ahead and just order the entire load.  Now there is a goodly size pile just to the side of the driveway!  Michael and I will haul it to the back once he gets started building.  For now, though, it was best to unload the truck right where the driver had parked it.  I wanted to get the stuff stacked and covered being as we are in the midst of another winter storm.  In the wee hours of the morning, it had started raining and the temperatures were plummeting.  The quicker that lumber was stacked and covered, the quicker I could get back inside to my lovely wood stove!

  This will be the first major building project that Michael has ever attempted by himself.  It should be interesting to watch as he goes about learning the trade while he builds.  He has a college degree in math and claims that construction is nothing more than slinging a hammer after you make sure everything is mathematically sound.  Hmmmm..this could possibly why I never could build a thing!  I would always just throw a board up against a post and hammer away!  I do believe my math skills and construction skills make Michael cringe!  I think I will just help by handing him whatever he needs!  

  I really am excited about this greenhouse!  As soon as he has it finished, I will start sprouting my garden seedlings!  

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