Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Tears of the Bayou

  I awoke far too early this morning and try as I might, I could not fall asleep again.  After about a half hour of restlessness, I headed to the pier in the pitch blackness of predawn.  Ms. Ez, the dog, stayed by my side as we cautiously stepped on the moist pier boards.  We took it slow and easy this morning.  There was no sense in being reckless which might cause us to slip overboard into the mud!  Three marsh rabbits scurried under the thatch of reeds as we neared them.  They were not happy with our presence nor was the mama nutria rat.  She obviously has already made her little ones vacate the den because this time, they were not with her. Most likely, she is already bred again and is awaiting a new litter.  Our approach caused her to slip into the water and make a hasty escape to the other side of the Bayou.  Neither the old dog nor I had any intention of chasing the rabbits or nutria so their wariness was not needed.  We were more interested in the peace of the morn.

  After being out for nigh on an hour, the eastern sky started getting its telltale redness that meant dawn was just minutes away.  With the coming light, I could see a faint mist rising up from the marsh.  It was this mist that caused our slippery pier boards.  Although it could make the walk a bit arduous, the mist is a thing of beauty.  It lingers just long enough for the sun to make an appearance.  Then the mist is gone.  Our foggy days, on the other hand, sometimes last for days on end and make me long for sunshine.

  Once the sun popped out from behind the pines, I headed back to the house.  My son, daughter-in-law and grandbaby were heading back to Georgia today and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with them before they left.  My misty morning on the Bayou could sort of describe my feelings today...beautiful and happy yet teary.  Perhaps the mist was the Bayou shedding a few tears as it bid them farewell.  The whole place is sad to see them head home.  (BUT!  I am looking forward to their next visit perhaps as soon as this summer!)

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