Saturday, March 1, 2014

As Big as My Head!

  My cleaning of the yard is still a work in progress.  I have moved on to the Boysenberry vines.  They were in dire need of dead wooding and weeding.  The fences that hold them were also in need of repair as one was starting to sag in the middle from the weight of the vines and one of the others just flat out needed to be replaced.  This is not one of my favorite jobs but someone has to do it and being as there was no one else handy, the job fell to me.  Not being one to work well with gloves on my hands, I stupidly tackled the vines barehanded.  The thorns ripped at my skin and supplied me with lots of splinters.  Needless to say, by mid morning, I was quite sore and bloody!  On the plus side, though, I had a mountain of briers waiting to be fed to the burner.  For the past few days, that outdoor burner has been in constant use and from the looks of the place, another week or so will find it ever smoldering.  

  Afternoon found me wanting a well-deserved break from the thorns.  I turned my attention to weeding under the Satsuma trees.  These appear to be surviving even with the lack of leaves.  The recent cold weather did a job on the citrus trees but perhaps they will sprout new leaves with the warming weather. Under one of the trees there sits a number of Ruby Lilies and Peppermint Lilies.  These were given to me by my Aunt Marie when we first moved to the Bayou.  I have babied them along for years and the clumps of bulbs have grown large.  The original bulbs are sitting in the middle of dozens of smaller bulbs.  The smaller ones being about the size of my fist.  As I pulled away leaves, weeds and vines, I was amazed at the size of the original bulbs!  Those things were the size of my head!  Ok, so that was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the massive bulb!  

  At one point, Michael strolled past my work space.  He was toting lumber to the backyard where he busies himself with building of the greenhouse.  I showed him the bulbs and made the remark about their size.  He looked at me with his whimsical smile.  I knew some retort was coming about the size of my head.  I cringed as I thought of all of the sly remarks he could make.  I do set myself up for these things ever so much! Instead of some cutting remark, he merely asked if I was going to crochet hats for the bulbs for next winter's cold.  Whew!  That was not so bad!  In fact, perhaps that was not such a bad idea!  Bulb Hats!  Warm Bulb Hats that would keep the bulbs from freezing!  Hmmm...ponder, ponder...Bulb Hats!

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