A mid afternoon storm pounded the Bayou with a hefty bit a rain. It was a welcome break in the stifling heat and gave the garden a nice soaking. My tomatoes were looking a tad droopy during the heat of the day and even with the wind-broken branches, they looked a lot happier as the rains pelted them. The rain was good. It did, however, but a damper on my intentions of fishing a bit after my chores. The crab traps would have to wait a bit to get the hard-head catfish in their bait boxes.
Late this evening, I made a trek to the pier. While the storm raged, I foraged through the freezer in search of something that could possibly used as crab bait. Happily, I had found some odds and ends that might suffice in place of catfish. With an odd assortment of freezer-burned foodstuffs, Ms. Ez and I made our way to the pier. She always knows the routine and promptly sat by the first trap. Nothing! How can I expect to catch crabs with empty bait boxes? We baited and moved to the next. Each trap was the same. Well now, this was a boring hike! Then I saw my little friend the saltmarsh snake! Aww, at least I could have some little bit of enjoyment! Ms. Ez and I sat down on the wet planks to watch our little buddy. This snake is such a pretty little thing! It was trying to catch some of the bull minnows that frequent the shallows. The little rascal would wait until the bull minnows swam near then its head would dart out and catch its prey. After swallowing that minnow, it would slither to a new spot and wiggle enough to muddy the water. Then the game would start all over again.
Once again, I was impressed at how adept snakes are. A few weeks ago, I watched a rat snake climb a tree and was in awe at how well something with no hands could reach such heights. Today, I was equally impressed at how this little Gulf Saltmarsh Water Snake could catch fish. The fact that it knew to muddy the waters so the minnows had a hard time seeing it was quite ingenious! It amazes me just how intelligent critters can be! Folks, we can learn a lot by just watching our animal friends. I think I might just have to try that muddy water technique! Perhaps then I can catch those elusive catfish!
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