There comes a time in life where you learn to appreciate every minute. The good times, the bad times...all are there for a reason. It just makes more sense to "keep on keeping on". Years ago, I was given a bit of bad news about my health. I could have easily said "This is it. I might as well quit." but I couldn't. I had three small children that needed a mom and I was not about to let them down just because I gave up to the circumstances. I pushed and with the help of God, family and friends, I beat the odds. This makes one wonder. If we all tried just a bit harder and stopped bemoaning our predicament, would life be better? Yep, it would. Look around you and I guarantee you will find others in far more dire state of affairs. Be happy with what you have and give it your best shot.
All of this pondering was brought about by a chance meeting of a bug. Yep, a bug. I was out this evening and noticed that Nycto, the wannabe Bayou Cat, was mesmerized by some unseen object. This called for a closer look after the last such episode. (That poor lizard will never be the same!) What I found was a cicada. The goofy cat's stare was transfixed on a bug! She was intent just to stare, thankfully, as it could have meant a grim situation for the insect had she taken a different approach. Still, I could tell that the critter was having a bit of difficulty. It would try to climb up a limb of the dill weed only to fall to the ground. Poor critter. I reached down to give it a helping hand. (Am I the only person that tries to help hapless bugs?) It was then that I noticed the poor critter's wing was deformed. One wing had not developed properly making it nigh on impossible for it to ever function correctly. Did that stop the cicada from trying? Nope. It just kept on attempting that climb. Holding that bug and looking into its five beady eyes made me realize that it had spunk! The bug was bound and determined to climb to great heights and make that attempt at flight. Well, perhaps I could give it at least that bit of help. Instead of it struggling to continue, I placed it high in the grape arbor. There it would be safe from predators (and Nycto's curiosity) and at least feel it had achieved part of its goal. Once on the highest plank of the arbor, the critter settled in for the evening.
I am not sure if what I did helped that cicada in the least but I felt better for having tried. Tonight, as I sit next to the open window, I can hear a cicada's loud buzz coming from the general direction of the arbor. Is that the one that was struggling so earlier? Who knows? Who cares? We have the lesson already. Never give up. Never cease trying. Give it your all and feel good about it. Be steadfast. Keep on keeping the song says.
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