Thursday, January 29, 2015

Only the BEST!

  I am not sure if I have ever thanked Mark for probably the most favorite gift he has ever gotten me...err, him...err....yes!  US!  After Hurricane Katrina dumped mountains of used lumber in our yard, he decided to build us a fine pier.  I was elated but worried that it was going to be too much of a strenuous task for just us to undertake.  Of course, the posts were to be installed by someone who (supposedly) knew what they were doing and had the huge equipment but the rest would be up to us meaning..mainly him.  I could help carry boards and nail them after they were down but I had no idea how to go about constructing such a thing.  So, that said, thank you, Mark!

  The pier started with him out in the marsh running string lines to guide the guys installing the posts.  We sort of wanted a straight pier instead of one that wibble-wobbled about the marsh.  My request was to try and line it up with the front door.  I wanted a straight shot down that pier! No problem for Mark.  He donned his wading boots and braved the moccasins, snapping turtles and alligators (just for me! hehe!)  I have to admit, he did a remarkable job! Not so with the "professional" dudes that came to do the posts.  

  After pounding in a number of posts, the guy driving this huge machine sort of got it stuck.  No, there was no "sort of" about it.  He GOT it stuck!  This action took a lot of time and other machines to undo.  I was glad that the mess was the crews' responsibility and not ours.

  Afterwards, Mark, Michael and I (with the help of one of Michael's high school buddies, Chris and Mark's brother, Glenn) finished the pier. Each board had to be cut the right length and hauled down the hill. Some of the planks were huge and were floated out to their proper places but others were hand-hauled.

  All in all, I would say that the job was well done!  Mark masterminded the whole procedure.  He was the boss and the brains behind this endeavor.  Without him, none of the many folks who visit the Bayou would have the pleasure of fishing or even just sitting on the pier.  Plus, I would not be able to share such beauty as the sunrises and sunsets with you!  So...enjoy our pier.  It is the best gift ever!

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