Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Break in the Clouds

  English as a language is rather amusing at times.  Words, spellings or phrases can sometimes mean something entirely different than what comes to mind.  You have letter blends that sound a lot like some single letters, silent letters that are thrown in a word for no apparent reason and phrases that have nothing to do with the words contained in the phrase.  It can come to be quite confusing to some folks and a rather amusing to others.

  Take for instance, the phrase "a break in the clouds".  This, when uttered by someone in despair, means the hope of better times to come. Perhaps the folks are wishing for an increase in income or a bit of better health but, when used in this context, it does not literally mean that the clouds are going to shatter into pieces at any given moment. (Although, viewing that might be a rather unique experience!)  A break in the clouds usually just means that there are better days ahead. Which probably came about by someone not liking rain.  Me...I like rain so a "break in the clouds" might not have the same meaning to me.

  I do believe that I came across that proverbial "break in the clouds", though.  Doing one of my favorite things brings me to view all sorts of most unusual occurrences.  Photographing sunrises and sunsets from the pier gives me the opportunity to use my imagination to its fullest. The other day while out taking pictures of clouds, I came across what I think perfectly captures that "break in the clouds".  The skies quite nicely cooperated in this photo shoot!  The clouds broke long enough for the sun to peep out a greeting.  

  Now with my discovery of the true "break in the clouds", I will forever feel at ease when using the term...or not.  Tomorrow is supposed to be one with a 100% chance of rain. (My kind of day!)  We shall see then if, per chance, I can have another break in the clouds!  (Sorry, it was a slow day here on the Bayou.  The entire day was spent making marmalade and baking.  The lack of stimulation led to a quite boring blog post.  Lets hope for a break...aww shucks, lets just hope for a more exciting day tomorrow!)

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