In spite of all of the negative things happening in the Coastal waters, it seems that critters are pretty resilient. Oil spills, flesh-eating bacteria (which may or may not be directly related to the spills), sewage spills and runoff of lawn chemicals all create dire problems for the waters. The most evident effect of any of these is the oil-laden birds that make the news. Media is all about stirring up things when it can boost ratings. Granted the water fowl coated in globs of oil tug at the heartstrings but how about those unseen problems that seem to stay just under the media's fine radar? Without startling photos, a story just does not create mass hysteria so why bother?
The Bayou, alone, has seen its share of problems as of late. With houses being built right on the water's edge, runoff is one of the biggest things to overcome. Everyone wants their green lawns even at the cost of pure water. It seems to me that polluting the water is about as stupid as stupid can get. Eventually, that same water will be what quenches our thirst but, in the meantime, it is of the utmost importance to the health of many critters.
In the past few years, the duck population here has diminished greatly. Whereas just a few years ago, the Mottled Duck was reproducing quite nicely and we were seeing rather large families, now, there are just a handful. This makes me sad. The ducks nest in the Bayou and if the marshes and waters are not clean, the little ones cannot survive. The same with many other critters. Fiddler Crabs are not as abundant this year. Their numbers have decreased steadily as well. Although I must admit that it is still a bit early for them to be scurrying about in great numbers, it does seem that they are not as thick as of late.
On a happier note, the baby alligator so comically dubbed as "Fluffy" (Darling Daughter's doing...or undoing) is still hanging around the pier. I was worried about the health of the tiny gator since it had not been seen for several weeks but then yesterday, I found tracks. These led me to think the critter is fine and just being a bit elusive. Elusive it the perfect word for something that blends so well with the marsh and mud. It is sort of like a game of "Hide and Seek" with this tiny critter! I am not sure just how I will feel about this critter calling the pier home if it grows to be some twelve footer but, for now, it is welcome to stay. Perhaps since the critter was born during a time when the waters were a bit tainted, it has built up a resistance to whatever is there. Stay safe, Fluffy! Stay safe.
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