Friday, May 22, 2015

Nothing to Love

  I see a lot of strange things around here.  I am usually up before most other folks and the world seems all fresh and new but, every now and again, I find thing that sure don't thrill me.  Although I admit that I find all things about nature fascinating, that does not mean that I adore everything I come across in the garden, on the hillside or in the marshes.  A few things almost disgust me!  Take today, for instance, I stumbled across a most interesting formation of little white cups and thought "Here is a thing of beauty!"  It was least to the eye.  Once I delved into the matter a bit more, my admiration soon turned to repulsion.

  My morning started with the usual picking of Boysenberries.  It is peaceful in the garden at daybreak and this morning was made even more enjoyable by the coolness that had set in after the severe thunderstorm last evening.  The same rains that cooled and cleaned the world, also, turned leaves that were normally cupped downward. One leaf in particular caught my attention. Now that the leave was upended, I could see the beautiful arrangement of tiny white cups.  Why!  The sparkling cups were in a heart arrangement!  I thought this even added to the appeal of the oddity!  I should have known better than to think shining white cups on the bottom of a leaf could ever mean anything other than trouble.

  I did know.  I knew exactly what these things were.  These pretty little egg-shaped cups were exactly that...eggs.  These were EMPTY eggs! Oh, no.  This meant trouble.  You see, even though the critter tried to disguise the fact that she was laying eggs by putting them in a heart shape, this "love nest" was not something I loved.  These were Shield Beetle eggs!  The same Shield Beetle that goes by the better known name of STINKBUG!  Yep, these were the eggs from one of those nasty, foul-smelling, juice-sucking critters that ruin tomatoes, berries, peaches and any number of other crops by sticking that proboscis of theirs in and sucking the thing dry!  They cause more blighted tomatoes than any other critter and I had missed the opportunity to squish dozens of the critters.  The female had done a great job hiding the eggs under the leaf until the storms flipped it over.  Still, it was too late for me to do anything about the possibility of mass destruction of my garden so I sat and admired the beauty from which all of those little beasts hatched!  Love nest....hmmph!  I have no love for stinkbugs!

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