Thursday, May 28, 2015

Water-weary and HOT!

  The heat and rain that has slammed the Bayou for the past ten days or so has really taken a toll on the garden.  Plants are literally being drowned.  This is strange as one day the pouring rain saturates the ground to the sogging point but then let one day go without moisture and plants are wilted.  It is sort of saddening as I spent all spring babying the plants now to only have them die without producing.  That and the onslaught of bugs that insist upon chewing their way through each and every plant has just about turned me against trying again....but I will.  Pop always used to say that he "needed to try a bit harder" so I guess what was good enough for him is good enough for me.

  One thing that is flourishing is the Frog Pond. go figure. Not only are the thousands of toads and frogs extremely happy, the dragonflies and mayflies seem to think everything is pretty nifty as well. I see more and more of the castoff "sheds" of the nymphs.  The pond plants are covered with the weird-looking "skeletons".  This makes me happy since these critters might eat the others that are not so very nice.  

  Even the pond plants are enjoying the rains and heat.  Obviously, water hyacinths are accustomed to extreme heat.  I pulled out and discarded nearly a hundred of the plants during the pond cleaning in March. Now that May is nigh over, the pond is once again filled to the brim with the bright green floaters.  I fully understand the need to keep these things contained!  (I have found that they make great compost, though!)  

  As much as I am a bit water-weary, rain is always welcome and I shall not complain...too much.  Things could be far worse and I fully expect the end-summer drought to be just as frustrating.  Being thankful for whatever may come is the way to go!

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