Monday, September 21, 2015

Busy Bees!

  Since it is getting down to "crunch time" on the Third Annual Clue Hunt on the Bayou, I have been neglecting the garden.  Other than running out to water it occasionally, the poor plants have been left to their own doings...or rather undoings.  I really MUST make time to pick the bell peppers!  There are dozens upon dozens of the lovely things dangling on the plants.  Picking won't be the problem but doing something with them afterwards takes time...time I do not have at the moment.  This morning was one of those "splash with the water hose" days.  As I hastily doused water on anything that resembled a live plant, I noticed the chives were literally alive with critters.  Bees of all types (and a few lovebugs) were busy, busy!  Chive flowers must be tasty or provide healthy nutrients because hundreds of bees and other insects swarmed the plants.  This was good to see!

  The blossoms of choice seemed to be the Garlic Chives over any other blooming plants with a close second being the Sweet Basil. My little bees love herbs!  While watching the bees, I pondered if any of the honey produced by the honeybees would taste like the herbs.  What an interesting taste that would be!  I know that certain flowers can produce "flavored" honey but I have no clue about the herbs.  I guess this is something to ask our cousin who keeps bees.  I am sure he will know.

  My short stay in the garden provided me with things to think about today and a moment of peace.  It is always a calming place to be....except if you are a bee...then it is hectic!  Busy, busy bees! (Just like me with these clue hunt preparations!)

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