Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Plant Doctor

  My brother has the proverbial "green thumb".  I think he inherited this from Pop because, like him, my brother can make anything grow.  Give him a dead stick and within a week, he will bring you a flourishing plant. No matter the type, it grows and grows well.  Today's plant is a Fiddle Leaf Fig.  

  This morning, I heard his truck pull up the lane.  I opened the door to come face to face with a huge plant.  "Ummm, I brought this for Elizabeth."  Alrighty then.  Yesterday was indeed Darling Daughter's birthday.  My brother apologized for being a day late but "Since you had company yesterday, I did not want to tote it down."  Company...since when is family company!  Ha!  But still, here he was with a huge tree of a plant.  I asked how to care for the thing.  My figuring was to get the information direct from the expert!  "Ummm, just water it when it needs it.  Cut it back when it gets too tall.  Make sure to keep it inside but let it get some light.  Oh, and don't bruise it."  Once again...alrighty then. The first of those instructions seemed easy enough if Elizabeth can figure out when her new plant is thirsty.  Knowing her, she will not trim it until it hits the ceiling, so the plant will be ok for at least a few months in that aspect.  Keep it inside...I cannot imagine her lugging this tree outside so we can say that it is safe from sunburn.  Now...that "don't bruise" thing.  How do you bruise a plant?  I admit that I am not exactly easy on plants.  Mine usually stay outside and the wind from the Bay whips them around like nobody's business.  I'm used to plants that can take a beating not ones that I have to baby!  Perhaps it is a good thing the plant goes home with her tomorrow!  (Hopefully, I can refrain from abusing the plant while it is here!  My goodness, I sure would not wish to bruise it!)  He grew this one from a cutting in just three months...lets hope I do not kill it overnight.

  Still, I think this was about the sweetest gesture my brother could have shown.  He knows that Darling Daughter and her husband are just starting out in their new home and what better gift than one of a living plant.  They have this fantastic room with windows on three sides. These windows are shaded by a large oak tree so this should be the perfect spot for the Fiddle Leaf Fig.  I shall give her the expert growing advice from her uncle!  Hopefully, the thing will do as well for her as it has for him.....hopefully. Otherwise, we might have to have him make house-calls!  My brother...the Plant Doctor!

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