Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cleaning the yard one pine needle at a time!

  With only two runnings of the clue hunt yet to do, I am able to start turning my attention to other things.  Of course, those "other" things are crafts!  The recent storm not only pelted us with much needed rain, it also knocked down a fine layer of pine needles.  The lower part of the yard is carpeted with the things. While out taking a hike, I spied the pine needles and was inspired.  Dropping to my knees, I started gathering the needles into neat piles.  These would come in handy.  I have a contract to make ten gourd bowls and the needles could be used to twine about the top.  Each year, I try to include a few gourds with the pine needle edging just because I love working with them. The next week or so is supposed to be filled with rainy weather so gathering the needles now will give me plenty of supplies to use later.  If the rain holds off, I shall be found out in the yard on my hands and knees again tomorrow.  (Who said that art is not work? Not many folks clean their yard one pine needle at a time!)

  After gathering several hundred needles, I settled in to working on the gourds. The cleaning took several hours.  Getting the drudgery finished now will allow me to have fun while the rains pound the rooftop! Plus, if I have extras, I can practice my pine needle weaving and also create a few pine needle vases. Sounds like a fun week ahead!

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