Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sometimes you just have to be a bit weird!

  For the clue hunt last year, I needed lots of paintings of cats and ravens.   When the hunt draws near, I get a bit antsy and have trouble sleeping so most of the paintings were done in the wee hours of the morning.  It was not uncommon to find me splashing paint on a canvas at three in the morning!  I found that exhaustion can bring out the creativity in a person or at least lessens the inhibitions of brush strokes.  I flipped out paintings right and left!  I had an entire wall of nothing but critters!  Granted, some of these were from things found on the internet but others were just from a very tired brain.  

  This year, I reused all of the paintings.  Not that they were needed in the hunt but just because I liked the pictures.  As matter of fact, they stayed hung on the wall in the living room for the whole year!  No one thought any negative thoughts of my weird choice in artwork or at least they never voiced it.  Then again, no one has ever thought to comment on the fact that I have a full sized portrait of Edgar Allan Poe in my living room either.  I guess maybe they just think that I am so unusual that anything else might be considered weird.

  Now, it has come to the point that I really do like these paintings and have been considering doing many more.  Why?  No clue.  Perhaps it is just for the fun of it!


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