Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weird Little Fishy

  We see all sorts of fish up in the Bay.  Some are the ordinary sort but others make you ponder just why in the world they are there.  With the Bay and Bayou being brackish water, it stands to reason that some fish just would not want to be there.  Some prefer the high salt levels of the open Gulf not the semi-fresh, often-muddy waters of the marshes. Bottlenose dolphins follow the mullet in during this time of year so we often see them performing their ballet near the pier.  Occasionally, a mackerel or two will venture in following schools of shrimp.  Several years ago, a Tripletail and a Lizardfish stopped by to visit.  None of these are what you think you might find swimming in the shallows near the marsh but they do visit.  When they do, they are conversation pieces at the very least.

  I have yet to identify the little fishy that was caught in the net a couple of days ago.  It does look familiar but the brain is just not making connection here.  The little thing had green stripes and rather smooth skin.  It did not have the coarse scales one often associates with fish. Actually, it was a cute little rascal!  I photographed the squirt then promptly released it back into the water.  Be free, Little One, be free!

 While the fish was rather adorable, it was also a bit bothersome.  One side was perfectly healthy but when I flipped it over, I saw some rather disturbing lesions on the fish.  Was this caused by a larger fish trying to eat it or was this caused by some bacteria in the water?  I am still not sure.  I probably should have investigated the matter further but did not have the foresight to save the fish and call someone who might have answers.  While I feel for the fish and its wellbeing, I prefer that this was just a matter of nature's doing.  I hope that a larger fish tried to dine upon the smaller one.  Lesions on any critter can mean a world of trouble for others in the area.  I definitely will be keeping watch on future catches.  If I find others, the proper folks will be notified.  Poor little fishy.  

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