Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hungry Little Friend!

  I have just about decided against adopting any new least for a while.  Agreeably, it is the way to go.  Adopt some poor misfortunate animal that has never enjoyed life and give it peace of mind and a healthy place to live. This ensures you a lifetime (theirs) of pure bliss.  Rescued animals seem appreciative of the love, security of a home and attention that you give them. In return, they stand steadfast in their loyalty, return the love and protect you. (Even cats are protective.)  But, I am just not sure that I am ready at this point in time to make that commitment. We still are owned by two cats and I wish to leave it at that for the time being.

  Still, today, I would have been tempted to feed another critter had it been willing.  I was staring out the window when I spied said critter. Aww, what a cutie!  I had the sudden urge to not only photograph but feed the critter and I knew just what it would like!  I grabbed the camera and scurried down the hill to make friends!  The critter in question?  A possum!  Yep, a possum.  I am partial to the critters only because it seems that no one else feels they are adorable.  No one thinks twice of running over them with their car, of shooing them from the garden or killing them for getting in the garbage.  Me?  I feed them.  Possums are good to have around the place.  They are sort of like nature's garbage men. They clean up the place.  Anything edible is on the menu for a possum.

  The menu today was to be persimmons.  I knew that there were a few persimmons left on the tree but that they would have been difficult for the possum to reach.  The last remaining few were on tiny stems that would not support the weight of the critter.  I wished to snatch a few to feed my new-found friend.  When I reached the spot where the possum was munching a rancid persimmon that had fallen a few days earlier, I spoke softly to it.  I reassured the critter that I meant no harm.  The possum had no idea what I was trying to relate to it so it scampered a few feet from me.  It then attempted to make a slick escape by climbing up an oak tree.  It reached an entire height of two feet then stopped and stared at me.  There was no use in scaring the poor critter so I picked a few fresh persimmons and set them down near the base of the tree. After a few pictures, I eased back up the hill to let the little critter eat in peace.  

  Yep, I think if I adopt another critter any time soon, it will be a wild one. They need to eat as well and with winter breathing down our necks, food may become scarce.  A little tidbit now and again will not hurt and maybe will make life a bit easier for some of my wild friends on the Bayou.  Oh, and all I could think about while befriending the possum was how Ms. Ez, the old Bayou Dog, would have loved this.  For some strange reason, she adored possums!  Go figure!

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