Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lending a Bit of Color

  The weather has taken a turn toward the chilly side tonight.  The Bayou is expected to feel nigh on freezing air by morning so any trip to the pier had better see me bundled up good and proper.  Then again...I may just decide that the warm blankets are a safe bet and stay huddled beneath them until the sun is well in the sky.  Mark has stated that he wants to go fishing in the morning so that cozy idea of blankets may just not come true.  Still, a hike down the pier to view the sunrise always gets my day started off on the right direction.  After viewing the peaceful setting, I am eager to get started on whatever projects are at hand.  Currently, the project is a bunch of gourds that need to be transformed into bowls,  These gourds all need to be painted. A bit of bright color always adds so much to an otherwise bland look.

  Speaking of bright colors, our minimal bit of fall-like colors have faded and gone the wayside.  Now we are set of the drab browns and greys of winter.  It is rare to find much in the way of bright hues during the colder months so I take what I can find.  One sure provider is that sun whether it be rising or setting.  The sky is ablaze with the brilliance but the colors are not limited to just that.  Down near the pier, there are several Sea Myrtle or Groundsel bushes.  During the summer, the bush is covered with sort of nondescript, white blossoms but come fall, those blooms give way to fluffy, white seeds. These seeds are actually more showy than the flowers themselves.  They add a bit of beauty to the marsh just as they are but let the rays of the early morning sun hit them and they are phenomenally beautiful.  The sunrise lends a bit of its color to the bush causing the seeds to appear almost red.  This is just another reason that I do like to rise before dawn.

  Perhaps, I will venture down the hillside in the morning...freezing weather or not.  I may just be surprised with another fine discovery such as the Sea Myrtle in its full glory.  

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