Tuesday, November 10, 2015

She is watching...always watching!

  Animals never cease to amaze me.  In fact, I guess it would be more appropriate to say that at times they confuse me.  Take Ms. Put, the Bayou Queen, for example.  This old cat has always preferred being outside.  She would literally throw hissy fits if the door was not opened at the exact time she required it to be.  She might come inside to eat, visit or even nap but that was never a long term thing...until recently. The cat is in the midst of her longest ever run of being inside.  She has not even gone to the door one time in the past eight days.  The last sunny day we had, I actually tried to coax her out...wasn't happening.  She stared at me as if I was slap nuts.  I guess I am.

  As if her change in living spaces is not enough, now she has decided that I am her ward.  She is my guardian.  The cat sleeps near the bed on a wicker chair.  She follows me wherever I go (as long as it is not out the door!)  She watches my every move even while she is supposedly sleeping!  Although, it is hard to see, when I took the above photograph, she was sleeping with her eyes open!  It is starting to get a bit eerie! Why the sudden interest in me?  She has always tolerated me before this past week.  Now I cannot shake loose of her!  It makes me ponder.  One does hear tales of cats sensing medical problems in humans or that they have premonitions of misdeeds about to occur.  Then there are the stories of cats being sensitive to future missteps and how they guide people to the right path.  Whatever the case may be, the cat is definitely doing her job!

  Darling Daughter Elizabeth mentioned that Ms. Put may be trying to comfort me (or perhaps seeks comfort) after the loss of Ms. Ez, the old Bayou Dog. Lets hope it is that and nothing more.  In the meantime, she is most welcome to be wherever she desires.  After being in the family for nigh on twenty years now, she deserves only the best.

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