Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Wannabe Lazy Day

  This was one of those days when I did not feel like doing a thing but did more than what I intended.  I had good intentions of doing nothing but work on gourds but other things kept getting in the way.  The morning drudgery of laundry, cooking and cleaning were what started the whole mess.  If I had only ignored the clutter in the house, things would have been great...maybe not from others' point of view but at least from mine. The chores multiplied to even getting a jump on the holiday cooking. Since I have to make not only the usual dishes but at least a few vegan ones, I figured the best thing to do would be get some of the basics behind me.  The sweet potatoes are ready to go and two cornbreads were thrown in the oven.  These were baked in Mom's castiron skillets so they will be extra tasty.  The cornbread will be used as the main ingredient for the dressing for Thanksgiving dinner.  The sweet potatoes will be mashed and made into pone for the same meal.  We usually do the traditional meal that my folks did each year so most of this comes naturally and no written recipes are needed.  Still, the chores added up until most of the day had passed with nary a gourd being cut.  Not good as I still have ten on order.  

  I did manage to slip away to the pier this afternoon even if it was for only a moment.  A constant splashing made me curious so on one trip to the woodpile to restock the stove, a quick dash down the hill was made. The splashing was caused by a number of Brown Pelicans that were diving for the little mullet that abounded in the relatively calm water.  The White Pelicans have yet to make their appearance in the Bay this year. The Browns stay year round but seem to move in large bunches now. Eleven were to be counted next to the pier but my presence made them a bit edgy and they moved toward the Bayou.  One pair hung around long enough to let me take a couple of photographs before they, too, took flight.  So, it was back to the woodpile to restock the old wood-burning stove.  It was needed to ward off the lingering chilliness. 


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