Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Safe Haven for Ducks!

  Stormy days are good for some things!  While on their migration southward, a good storm will usually entice ducks to make a stop in the Bayou.  Here, they can catch a rest while filling their bellies with the abundant little mullet.  If we are lucky, the birds will stay for the entire winter.  Their presence makes me happy as it gives me a new subject to photograph.  Ducks are always likable candidates for a camera shoot.

  Between rain storms today, Son and I would make mad dashes to the pier to check on the old skiff.  We received over five inches of rain last night and probably another inch today.  While on the pier, it was easy to spot the newcomers in the Bay.  A string of ducks spanned the entire width of the small inlet.  Thousands of ducks were busy preening and feeding.  I am sure that most will journey on their way once the weather permits but since the weatherman is calling for tough storms all this week, we will just have to wait and see.  Perhaps the ducks will take a liking to their temporary home and stay a while.

  Most of the ducks in the Bay, today, appeared to be Canvasbacks. These ducks will not be feeding heavily on the little mullet as they prefer a more plant-based diets.  Throw in a few insects and maybe some crustaceans and the Canvasbacks are happy.  The birds filter seeds and other plant material from the mud with their bills.  While this is good in an area like the Bayou, in places where hunters frequent, the birds are prone to lead poisoning from shot that have settled to the bottom.  Poor ducks do not have a chance!  If the shots do not kill them by hitting them, they kill the bird when it is ingested.  At least here, the ducks are safe.

  This reminds me of years ago when Pop and Granddad used to hunt ducks.  They would carefully hide down near the marsh waiting for the ducks to fly into the Bayou and then shoot a few for supper.  This was not going to happen while Grandmother was at home!  She would take a pie pan of birdseed down to the pier.  Once there, she would proceed to "feed" the ducks all the while banging on that pie pan and yelling "Here duck, duck, duck!  Here duck, duck, duck!"  Needless to say, Pop and Granddaddy did not shoot too many ducks.  I will have to keep Grandmother's method in mind if any duck hunters dare try to shoot my fine feathered friends.

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