Sunday, December 20, 2015

Friends of the Feathered Sort

  I have always said that most of my "best" friends are of the critter sort.  I am not sure why I feel more at ease with them but I welcome a visit from them far quicker than I do most people.  It is not that I do not like people, I guess I just do not like all of the whining that comes along with them.  PLUS...critters do not have the gall to come knocking at my door without letting me know ahead of time...people do.  Of course, it would be just as strange to have a critter call me requesting a visit as it would be having one knock at my door.  Still, I do feel a harmony with critters that I do not with people.  That said, I must explain that I could narrow this down a bit further and say that I bond with birds even quicker than with the furry sort of animals.  Don't ask why since I have no answer.  It seems that birds have no fear of me and know that  my presence does not give them reason to be startled.

  Down near the pier, several of the herons have decided that I am indeed "one of them".  They linger nearby as I watch the sunrises or fish.  If, per chance, I throw the net, they realize that they will get their share of my catch so the birds move in closer.  Hand feeding them is not out of the question either but I admit that I do have to watch my fingers as some of them are not too good at aiming!  That bill will just as soon snatch a finger as a minnow.

  This lovely specimen of a heron traipses about the mudflats and shallows as it hunts for its breakfast.  Once in a while, the bird will come near, cock his head to one side and appear to be taking in my every word. (Yes, I do talk to them but have yet to have one converse back other than a few squawks!)  It is probably more in keeping with the possible snack but it is nice to think that at least the bird listens to me and is not here to just whine.  Wishful thinking...huh?  I welcome their visits.

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