Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Brave Little Jellyfish!

  I realize that we have not had a terribly cold winter (yet) but some critters have the idea that it is still fall or that spring has already arrived. Birds that should have migrated further south are still here.  Ones that stay here year round are already building "trial" nests.  Mosquitoes won't stop biting.  And then there are the jellyfish.  Yep, for some strange reason, a sea nettle was happily pulsating its way around the pier.  The gooey blob of stinging tentacles did not seem to be bothered one iota that the water temperature is quite cold.  This thing just kept right on doing its thing in the shallows near the marsh.  

  Since it is sort of rare to spot the jellyfish near the pier during winter, I have always assumed that they headed out to deeper water.  There the water would be warmer and it seems that would mean more for the jellyfish to eat.  Perhaps I am wrong.  Maybe sea nettles prefer cooler water but I have just not had the opportunity to spot them during the winter months.  I do know that they are out in full force during the fall months.  It is then that I catch dozens in my net while shrimping at night. I would be hard pressed to say I relish finding one in the part of the net that I hold in my mouth.  Those stinging tentacles are not picky about where they literally shoot those venom-filled filaments.  I have had more than my share of stings!

  Still, I have to wonder if this fellow was lost or perhaps just took a stroll (float?) on the wild side.  It seems far out of character for it to be bobbing along  under the pier in mid-January!  I have to admit that after seeing the thing up close and personal, it looked a bit worse for wear.  Its tentacles were starting to look a bit ragged.

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