Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Masked Bandit Strikes Again!

  Ms. Nycto, the Bayou Princess Cat, had come inside to avoid the threat of rain.  She snuggled up against my feet as I sorted through a stack of junk mail.  I smiled because her presence always makes me feel warm and comfy.  It was not long after she started snoozing that I heard a strange noise outside the east window.  Hmmm, with both cats inside, this must be some wild critter.  I eased my feet out from beneath the slumbering cat and slipped to the window.  Yep, there was a critter out there alright.  A raccoon had climbed the garden fence and was doing a bit of thieving!

  The rascal was out there in broad daylight trying to steal a hose!  Yep, I had forgotten to pick up a small tubing that went to a garden fountain and that critter was stealing it!  Whatever could a raccoon want with a short piece of hose?  I decided to get "proof" in the way of a photograph.  I needed evidence of the burglar's actions!  Although photographing the critter through the window resulted in a blurry picture, it is quite evident that the masked bandit was living up to his name.  

  After the picture-taking session, I decided to retrieve my hose and let the raccoon be on his merry way.  I am still not sure why the coon wished to take possession of the small water hose but I do believe that I need it more than he does.  Sorry, Little Thief!  You go somewhere else and swipe things!  Hmmmm?  I wonder if that is what is happening to other things that I cannot seem to find?  Perhaps this little guy is a kleptomaniac!  Perhaps he is stealing lots of things and I am not to blame for misplacing them!  Perhaps I better keep and eye on this fellow!

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