Thursday, February 11, 2016

Elusive Egrets

  So often, you will hear the term "elusive" applied to the description of some bird.  More oft than not, this tag belongs on some critter such as the Ivory-billed Woodpecker and is for good reason.  Not only were  the birds listed as extinct, they had only inhabited the deep pine forests.  Recently, the birds have been spotted so they are now on the "extremely endangered" list. They are rarely seen so the term is quite applicable.  The term is also slapped on some other birds merely because they are shy or (like the before mentioned woodpecker) inhabit out of the way places.  Even the Goldfinch has been labeled as elusive at some point.  

  I prefer to use the term on those birds that seem to not want to be photographed.  Recently, I encountered the Elusive Egret!  While some Egrets here on the Bayou have no qualms about posing for a picture as long as I give them a bite to eat in exchange, there are a couple who refuse to give me a chance to record their beauty.  The Elusive Egret is no different than the others that live around here, it just does not seem to like the camera.  

  Sometimes when I look at my photos, I am astounded at a the pitiful shots I have taken.  I have to really search the photograph to even find the focus of my attention.  While holding that camera, I find it difficult to creep up on the birds.  My attempts at photographing the birds at a distance can be rated from bad to worse with a lucky shot in there occasionally.  The Egret in question hangs around the marsh on the east side of the house. Sometimes, it will venture onto the pier giving me hope of capturing their beauty.  Then, it seems as if there is always something interfering with the view or the bird flies into the distance with first sight of me.  

  The "Elusive Egret" puts up a grand challenge but I will eventually get my photograph!  Then I can add it to my stash of "clear shots". In the meantime, I will keep trying.  That bird cannot outwit me!  Or....maybe it already has!

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