Saturday, February 13, 2016


  Its a funny thing about fog.  Sometimes, it can almost feel like a blanket that is blocking out the world.  A body can feel the solitude as if it was a cloak upon the shoulders.  Times like this can give you the idea that the fog is sort of a protective device as it hides you from turmoil and allows your small world to be one of peace.  This cloak of serenity is how I feel sometimes as I sit on the pier completely enveloped by the mist.  The closeness brings realization of just how small my little world is.  The Bayou has, more or less, become my entire reign...there is nothing beyond the wall of mist that hides the outside world.  

  Then there is an eerie sensation that fog can also be hiding some evil entity.  That very same cloak that offers protection can shroud an ever-watching being that is just beyond view.  With this sensation, one can literally "feel" the eyes as they watch your every move.  The eeriness creeps up behind you as you sit in solitude and starts to slowly wrap around you.  It pulls you into the mist and you become one with it until your body disappears between the thick cloud.  No one else is around.  No one to hear you call out for help.  No one to seek out your presence.  You are and the fog are in a constant battle.  It is times like this that shivers tingle up and down the spine.  A tightness settles in the throat which feels like fingers grasping...always grasping.  The security of the Little Bayou House, though only a few hundred feet, feels as if it is miles away.  

  It is weird how one weather phenomenon can feel so very different depending merely upon the imagination.  Thoughts are usually the only things that seize control and cause us to panic or bring peace.  Somewhere deep within the corners of our brains, there is a small nook that holds a variety of possibilities.  Our outcome depends solely upon how we react to what is hidden in that crevice.  The thick fog that hides our being also hides our future.  It is entirely up to each one of us to make the first step towards reality...towards being...towards truth.  It is all within our grasp if we would only reach out for it.

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