Thursday, February 4, 2016

Oh, What a Sight!! It is a Majestic.....Pelican?

  Yep, I do indeed think that pelicans are almost majestic.  Most folks would fall short of calling the bird beautiful but that is not my thought.  I like the pelicans that hang around the Bayou.  They have a certain flair about them that holds them above some of the other critters that frequent the area.  One birding "expert" did have a fine description of the birds and I can fully agree with him.  The man characterized the Brown Pelicans as "comically elegant".  Seems fitting as they are quite amusing and I do believe that they know this!  At times, a Brown Pelican will cock its head as if trying to understand my every word.  It tickles me to think perhaps I am communicating (in a sense) with a bird or maybe the bird is communicating with me.  Perhaps the legendary Dr. Dolittle was a little more real than we think!

  One Brown Pelican has chosen the pier post as its roost almost nightly. During the day, it will soar just above the water's surface and then plunge dive as it is feeding.  Occasional breaks from this routine brings it back to the post.  If I happen to be on the pier, the bird still uses its roost of choice almost oblivious to my presence.  This one will often have a staring contest with me!

  Yep, I do believe the Brown Pelican is majestic in every sense of the word.  From its gorgeous plumage to its sheer size, it is a dominating bird.  Then add facts such as its plunge feeding technique which would instantly kill most other birds and that it can hold up to three gallons of water (and fish) in its pouch and it is more impressive than ever.  It is also the only bird that can fly in a straight line just inches above the water.  Its powerful wings (with a span of almost seven feet) carry it with little effort.  Impressive...majestic...comically elegant.  Love my pelicans!


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