Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Job For A Princess

  Ever since her first appearance on the Bayou, Ms. Nycto has been dubbed the "Bayou Princess".  Granted, when she first came, there already was a queen, Ms. Put but this cat did not seem to be anything other than a princess.  Now that the Queen has passed on to Cat Heaven, one would think that the Princess would step into the vacated position.  She has not.  She will not.  This cat will always be THE Princess.  There will be no coronation proclaiming her to be queen.  She is just not.   However!  She is definitely a princess!  And...should be treated as such.  She requires constant reminding of her beauty and her elegance.  And...she shall NOT be expected to fulfill any menial tasks that ordinary cats are expected to do.  While she may bat at an occasional butterfly, catching a rat or mouse is beneath her dignity so don't expect her to even give chase.  It ain't happenin', folks.  This princess is not going to lower herself to menial tasks.

  Recently, however, Ms, Nycto has taken it upon herself to be official "Watcher" of the old dog.  Mr. PJ's every move is duly noticed and great care is taken to follow his every step.  She stays a good ten feet behind the old dog but traipses along after him as he walks.  Inside, she perches herself on the dining room chair so she can watch him sleep.  The old dog never notices but I do.  I often wonder why she is so dutifully watching him.  It never ceases lately.  She watches his every move.

  Is there some instinct that tells her he may need help, at some point?  He has fallen a good bit lately as athritis is setting in the hind legs so maybe she is there to help?  I hope so.  Otherwise, it is downright creepy having a stalker in our midst!  That said, I am glad it is the dog she is following and not me!  There is something about eyes being on you at all times that is a bit unnerving!  

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