Saturday, January 19, 2019

Happy as a Goldenrod...

  Down by the marsh edge, I sort of let Mother Nature take her course and decide what grows.  It is obvious that I do not keep the impeccable yard that Pop did but I rather like the wild look of the place.  Granted the upper two acres is kept relatively cleared but the rest of the acreage is let be wild and free.  The critters need a place to feel safe and underbrush provides perfect hiding/nesting areas.

  While on this morning's hike, I came across the fluffy seeds of the goldenrod.  During the fall, goldenrod fills the marsh with such beauty and during the winter months, the seeds do much the same.  Actually, my hike took me there just at the right time because later in the day, rain and high winds probably scattered the seeds about the hillside.  Now, all that is left, is a bit of warm sunshine to come this spring so a whole new crop of the "weeds" will sprout.  

  While there are those who will argue that my idea of beauty is a bit frazzled, I figure that Mother Nature has much more experience about decorating the Bayou than I do.  When viewing the seed tufts this morning, it made me realize more than ever that seeing beauty is all in how you look at things.  The Bayou and I are a lot alike.  We are both a little unkempt at times but deep down, we are both happy as a lark...or goldenrod...happy as a goldenrod...if a weed can be happy.

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