Thursday, January 17, 2019

Someone is lurking in the shadows!

  During my early morning hikes around the Bayou, there are some pretty wild sights to be seen.  Critters are out in full force at that time as the nocturnal ones are heading to bed and the diurnal ones are shaking themselves awake.  Sometimes when I make the mistake of heading out too early, the shadows are tremendously dark and I ponder what might be lurking there.  Since the old dog, Mr. PJ, is not strong enough to be any defense, it is prudent that care is taken.  There is no reason to put him in a dire situation trying to protect me. 

  This morning, the sun was not cooperating about rising.  A thick cloud cover made things a bit shadier than norm.  Sounds from the Bayou were exaggerated causing a bit of angst but my hike was not to be hampered.  At one point, the red sky reflected in the last remaining tide pool in a nigh on empty Bayou.  My position put me in the right spot to see just what was wading about in the water.  Right in the middle of that reflection stood my friend, the heron.  The great blue heron was fishing for breakfast before dawn.

  The heron knew I was just a few feet from him but he made no effort to fly.  He was aware of the fact that I could not get to him without some doing since there was a small strip of marsh that included lots of brambles between us.  The bird felt safe and continued his hunt for breakfast and I went on about my merry way hunting for my next adventure.

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