Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mother Nature and Lady Spring Were On The Job!

  The first day of spring came to the Bayou with all of its glory blazing.  It was a gorgeous day with sunshine, a slight breeze and all of the other trappings.  Birds were singing, bees were buzzing and flowers were blooming....everywhere!  Yep.  The hillside is in full bloom and the yard smells divine!  After a long few months of nothing but rain and fog, spring is welcome.

  After helping Son install a new ceiling in the hallway, I headed out to the gardens.  If spring is here, it is high time to get those seeds in the ground.  Of course, the potatoes are already 15 inches tall and the greenhouse is full of seedling tomatoes and bell peppers but I have a hankering for fresh squash and green beans.  Having little packets of seeds is not satisfying that whim at all so it was my aim to get the garden in shape.  About two hours later, a break was needed so gardening evolved into a hike.  Oh, what a glorious time, that was!!!

  Citrus trees, peach trees, plum trees were showing their best attire, wisteria draped heavy sprays of blossoms across the arbor and tiny wildflowers dotted the hillside.  It was almost as if overnight, Mother Nature decorated the Bayou! She called Lady Spring to drop in for a visit!  As I wandered about the place, I was simply dazzled by the sight.  Spring is definitely here.

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