Thursday, April 4, 2019

Better Hone Those Hiding Skills, Squirrel!

  Sometimes the critters of the Bayou tickle me.  Of course, I am easily amused (so says Son) but animals can do some of the cutest things.   The adorable antics are expected from our pets but when wild animals start putting on shows for you, there is an element of surprise.

  Both Mr. PJ and Ms. Nycto have the inability to "hide".  They have not mastered the art of playing hide and seek.  Mr. PJ has long played the game with me but still has not fined tuned his hiding skills.  The dog will hide his face behind a tree and expect me not to find him.  Well...he is a large dog.  Hiding the face does not hide the body.  The cat is the same way.  Yesterday, she hid her face behind a chair but her entire, fluffy body sat in the open.  Silly, Nycto!  I could NEVER find you like that!  Right...right.

  Then, there are the squirrels that do the exact same thing.  Several of the gray squirrels in the yard have no clue of stealth.  Their hiding abilities rate right along with the dog's and cat's.  It is amazing that they are still alive with the hawks that would love to dine on squirrel.  Just yesterday as I was cutting back some more of the roses, a young squirrel sat just above me on a branch in the old black gum tree.  It obviously had the idea that I could not see it since a tiny twig blocked its vision of me.  Goofy squirrel!  I could probably reach up and knock you off the branch if I so desired!  You are within arm's reach and that twig is not obscuring my vision...only yours!  The young squirrels should learn a few life lessons before the hawks become active in feeding their young.   It could be a matter of life or death.

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