Sunday, April 14, 2019

I'm Here For Breakfast!

  I have heard that turtles return to the same area where they were born to lay their eggs, if at all possible.    Other than initially thinking that was rather neat, I never thought much more about it.  Then it occurred to me that this is a pretty incredible feat considering that it takes a good bit of memory.  Think of how places change from our point of view.  This must be astronomical in turtle's mind.  Every day, here on the Bayou, something changes.  Some of these changes are minor but others are pretty intense.  

  Just last week while I was raking, I found a tiny turtle that had obviously just hatched.  The little guy was still not strong enough to be flung out in the "wild blue yonder", so I carefully placed the little one back to where I assumed I had so rudely disturbed it.  Then I even put a good bunch of the old leaves back on top.  So a coon would not sniff out my little friend, I put some heavy driftwood pieces around the turtle to give it a sporting change at escape from any enemies.  I am happy to say that the little one survived and is now exploring the vast area under a non-used trailer.  

  Today, an adult turtle was prowling around the same place where I found the baby turtle.  I figure this is Mama Turtle and she has returned to lay another batch of eggs.  Of course, if one is highly sentimental, it might be said that she came back looking for her little ones.  Nope.  That did not happen.  Mama Turtle has no clue whether any of her eggs even hatched.  Once the egg-laying job is complete, she is on her way and never looks least, not until it is time to lay again.  

  Whether today's turtle is the mama or even if it is female is beyond me.  The thought simply came due to the mention that they always return to the same egg-laying site.  On a happy note, box turtles do love apples!  I shared mine with the one today and it looked totally appreciative.  After the storms we had last night, I am sure the turtle was hungry.

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