Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Workout!

  Life has a way of throwing a whole bunch of trouble at you all at the same time.  It never seems to fail that if one thing is going to be troublesome, everything is going to start trying to get in on the action.  Frustration can often build until a person is nigh on a breaking point.  That is the way it has been here on the Bayou as of late.  It seems as if the stress is bound and determined to get to me.  It had gotten to the point that this morning, I had enough and something had to give.  It was me.  

  Along about 7am, I figured that if I was going to have all of this pent up aggravation, I may as well put the energy to good use.  There was certainly no way I was going to wallow in the mire of a bad mood any longer.  Time to get things in gear.  So I did.  My trusty lawnmower got the workout of its days today.  For almost a total of seven hours, I pushed and pulled that thing.  At first, I was getting the best workout of my life!  I went at it with such gusto that doing the lawn was not enough.  My lawnmower was pushed to the woods where I trimmed out things that no mower should be expected to cut.  With the mood I was in, the mower probably had second thoughts about balking being afraid that I might just hum it to the back of the Bayou and leave it.  Along about an hour later, I felt freer.  The frustration was beginning to lift and I started actually feeling good about what I was doing.  So...I pushed some more.  Four times, the gas tank had to be refilled just to keep me going.  Mark and Son kept asking if I was sure I wanted to keep cutting.  Yep.  You two get on back to work on those termites and leave the grass to me.

  Seven hours later, close to 4 acres had been cut.  Parts of the woods now became parts of the yard.  The overgrowth by the marsh has been trimmed back to help prevent snakes from encroaching on the path.  Leaves have been mulched to prevent that dreaded chore of raking.  And I saved a bundle of money.  There was no need to buy a gym membership when I can get this kind of exercise and there was no need to pay a therapist to sort my problems.  The mower and seven hours did it for me.  Putting all of that stress into a productive task did the trick.  Tonight, I am sore...I am exhausted...I feel better...oh, so much better.

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