Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Garden Glowies!

  So...I had another "Wow" moment tonight.  Just out of curiosity, I took a blacklight out to the garden.  It was amazing!  So many of the blooms glowed in the most curious hues.  Some leaves turned blood red while others were a more purple/red.  White blooms were far more brilliant than at other times.  There were rocks that glowed, some weird spot on the ground that glowed, some mushrooms and fungi glowed and even a critter glowed!   On a pure coincidence, a centipede creepy-crawled across the dirt and through the beam of light.  Yep.  That centipede had glowy legs!  The garden glows!  Who knew?

This whole experiment occurred simply because I had yet another idea for a future Clue Hunt on the Bayou.  I have been collecting odds and ends that glow in the dark (under the blacklight or alone) with the idea of having a glow hunt. These items do not include the normal "toy" type things but unusual items that no one would normally think have glowing abilities.  I have actually started taking a small blacklight with me on trips to the thrift stores in hopes of finding "glowies".  Since this is to be a future hunt, I figure I had plenty of time to hunt and collect things.  Pondering how I was to use the items, I wanted to test the blacklight in the garden to see how much effect it had.  I was worried that things would not be able to glow with the distance.  To my amazement, there were already natural "glowies" out there!  

  The camera did not want to participate well with the photographing of the 4 o'clock blooms that were brilliantly gleaming under the light.  In the photo, the extreme glow cannot be seen nor can the true colors.  I will have to play with things a bit to see how I can photograph things a bit more efficiently but, in the meantime, take a blacklight to your garden or patio.  You might be astounded by this different view of what is there!

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