Saturday, November 6, 2021

Missed Opportunities

   Today was one of those days of missed opportunities.  It started okay with my predawn hike where the camera allowed me my one photo of the day but then things got way out of hand.  The early morning sky was  stunning and I had the camera so I attempted a photo.  The camera worked!  Then, it did not.  As the morning went on, I left the camera behind and went about my day.  It was a day filled with garden work.  Occasionally, I would stroll to the pier to see if Son needed any help.  He is rebuilding the final platform that was demolished during Hurricane Zeta.  (The shortage of lumber put the original repairs to a screeching halt.)  

  It was on several of those walks down the pier that I wished I had a decent camera!  My timing with the one photo was not good.  At one point, there were five white pelicans swimming nearby.  Another time, there were seven geese.  Then, I noticed some lovely pink sea nettles floating under the pier.  Right after that, a fat otter swam under the pier, climbed out of the water on shore near the marsh then turned to look directly at me!  Oh, where was that camera?  The final straw was when a nice sized stingray leisurely glided right under the pier in the shallows!  Ugh.  

  Since the camera has been allowing me only the one photo per day, I had left it back in the Little Bayou House.  Perhaps, if I had it along with me, the perfect shot of one of the aforementioned events may have been gained.  Instead, I just caught glimpses.  The morning shot was pretty impressive, however!

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