Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Mr. Sunbeam In My Garden!

  Being isolated here on the Bayou (due to health reasons), it is important that I do not fall into depression.  Any lapse can lead to boredom.  I am not as fortunate as others who can whisk in and out without a care.  I am under doctor's orders to steer clear of any potential illnesses for the time being.  That is fine.  I can manage.  Early on in the pandemic, it was common to hear "Two weeks of quarantine is an infringement of my rights!".  Try two years, folks.  Two years and counting.  But...it is ok.  I will deal.  I find things to entertain myself.  Thankfully, (as Son has often stated), I am easily entertained.  
  This morning's entertainment came in the form of a sunbeam that insisted on playing in the garden.  I was out early trying to replant the broccoli that the armadillos dug out overnight when I noticed an errant sunbeam shooting down through the garden.  I say "errant" as all of the other sunbeams were happily playing down near the marsh edge.  This one came visiting me.  This delighted me to the point where I spent the time watching just where the beam would go next.  (Yes, I am grasping, at this point.)

  When the beam lit upon the last marigolds in the garden, I just had to photograph my "new found friend".  For a good two minutes, the beam dappled the marigold plant with its glorious light.  Then, as quickly as it came, the sunbeam scampered off to join its siblings near the marsh.  My morning visit had ended.  Now there are those who will claim that this is a bit of senility setting in but I beg to differ.  It is purely a matter of keeping entertained enough to ride through this phase.  Once my health improves or people gather enough sense to stop spreading viruses, things will change.  In the meantime, however, I will keep chasing sunbeams or even moonbeams...whichever comes out to play while I am in the Small Gardens.   (Being Queen of the Small Gardens gives me that power!)

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