While out photographing the wildlife around the Bayou, it sometimes takes a good imagination to see the "perfect picture". Most folks look at what is in the photo without letting the imagination fly free. When seeing what is NOT there, you can actually see more of what is there. Make sense? No? Then you just need to let the kid in you loose for a bit. That is one good thing about being isolated here. There is no one to see you acting a bit goofy at times.
A pileated woodpecker came to visit during the early morning. I just happened to be taking a few minutes break from gardening when I heard his laughing call. Ok, bird. Where are you? He laughed again giving me the head's up...literally. The bird was right above me in a tall oak tree. As I photographed the woodpecker, I noticed what appeared to be large talons stretching down to grab the bird. Nope, there was not a larger bird looming above but a weird branch that arched over its head and splayed out like a huge hand or foot with long talons. Cool! Now, I had my imagination-worthy shot! Like I said...there is no one else here to see me as I drift off into a make-believe world called photography.
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