It has been a sort of mopey week for me. Mark has been sick with a particularly rough cold, the week started with nasty weather and the grandkids were not able to be here for Christmas yet again. Today, the decorations came down and are stowed away for another year. This is so unlike me as I usually love the holidays and all the trappings that go along with them. is done. Things around the Little Bayou House look "back to normal" and I can now go about my days without fretting over lights going out on the tree or pine cones bouncing off the stairway garland.
Slipping out the back door, I eased my way around to the Frog Pond. The citrus trees are almost bare of their fruit now and the leaves have dropped from the peach and plum trees. Well, this looks a mite drab! I was thinking I should just head back indoors but, then, I spied the small white blooms of the Paperwhite Narcissus. Each and every time I see the plants in bloom, I think of Mom. She loved the blooms and would often pick a nice bouquet for the table. While I think they are pretty, I prefer to leave them outdoors. Mom loved the scent. I find it....umm....well, not to my liking.
Not only did Mom like the blooms for their scent, she claimed that they were a sign that winter would not last forever. I suppose? But, to be honest, I really would like some "winter". When it is Christmas week and the ACs are running full blast, it makes me wonder if the Paperwhites are a wee bit confused.
Finding the Paperwhites in bloom did lift my spirits even if only for a few moments. They brought a flood of happy memories of my childhood and being with Mom. Goodness, I miss those days. Life was so much easier.
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