Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Hiking Cat

   After losing Ms. Ez and then Mr. PJ, my hikes seemed a bit lonely.  Both were dedicated dogs that followed me wherever I ventured.  With them by my side, I felt safe as I roamed the Bayou and woods beyond.  While Ms. Ez was a true bayou dog that knew the ins and outs of the marsh, Mr. PJ (because he came to live with us late in life) stuck to the trodden path.  Like I said, the hikes are now lonely and I have to be much more aware of my surroundings.  I miss the dogs but have no inclination to get another.  I am too old to do all that training again.

  Well, I did not want a cat, either, but one was plopped in my lap...literally.  The "throwaway" kitten that my son-in-law rescued was supposed to be a temporary foster but we all know how that goes.  The kitten stayed.  Now, as a somewhat grown cat, "Bat" is proving that he was meant to be here.  He has become my new hiking partner.  While he may not be as intimidating as either of the very large dogs, I am sure he would at least alert me to something nefarious along the path and I have a feeling he would try to render help if needed.  In that aspect, he reminds me of our old cat...Ms. Put, the Bayou Queen.  She protected me more than once by tangling with some threat.  She was only half the size of Bat.  He is nigh on 12lbs and still growing. 

  While Bat is good company along the walks, he still has a lot to learn.  He has not mastered the sitting still while I photograph some critter.  Instead, he rushes in to either make friends or give chase.  He also sounds like a herd of elephants as he scampers about in the dry leaves.  It is all good, however, as I welcome the company.  His presence makes the early morning hikes all the better.  Mr. Bat...the hiking cat!

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