Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Gus Needs An Umbrella!

   Son and I were making light of all the fog that has shrouded the Bayou since around the start of December.  He made the comment that while others wish for a white Christmas, we are pretty much guaranteed one...only not snow...fog.  White out fog is the winter rule around here.  Trees stay drippy,  floors stay sticky and my hair seems to always be limp and lifeless.  While the views of my hikes are blurry, I, at least, have the ability to "walk softly" on the molding leaves.  Critters cannot hear me or either they are so fed up with the weather that they just do not care if something else is on the prowl.  We are one...the bayou critters and I.

  Early morning was a bust on the pier as the planks were iced over making it a mite treacherous to make an attempt at getting to the end.  I had to be satisfied with staying on the shore end for fear of slipping into the icy mud where I would become mired for sure.  It was not until the frost melted that the pier was walkable.  Along about 8am, I ventured out once again.  It was then that I found Old Gus, the brown pelican.  Poor old fellow was trying to dry out his wings.  It was a pointless task with the heavy fog drenching his feathers as fast as any drip drying could be taking place.  It was not hard to imagine just how cold the pelican must have been with wet feathers and spread wide wings.  Critters have it rough.  I could always make a dash back to the Little Bayou House.  Which is exactly what I did and, along the way, I grabbed another armload of firewood to stoke the old wood-burning stove.  

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