Thursday, September 8, 2022

Killers On The Prowl!

   September usually sees the garden filled with insects.  While a lot of these are classified as "garden pests", there are equally as many that are garden helpers.   They are there simply to munch on the pesky sort.  The turmeric plants are a good four feet in height now with leaves approximately eight inches wide.  A myriad of critters can easily hide in this tropical-like forest!  Lizards, frogs, ribbon snakes...all have been found there.  They are there simply because of the multitude of bugs that can be an easy meal.  There is also a lovely bug that is hunting for its meal, as well. 

  This morning, the bright orange Milkweed Assassin Bugs were on the prowl.  These expert killers are hunting insects that are on the plants to either eat or lay eggs.  They are Mother Nature's "insecticide".  These bugs keep things in check so there will not be an overabundance of other critters.  Most of the ones I found this morning were still juveniles that were just getting their wings.  They still had the white spots on their bodies.  

  I rather enjoy having the critters in the garden but keep in mind that Milkweed Assassin Bugs can and will bite if handled.  Their bite is not unlike a bee sting in pain level comparisons.  The only main difference is the lack of toxins.  The Assassin Bug's defense is just a bite...nothing more.  While the wound site may have a welt that lingers for a bit, there is no real danger.  That said, it is wise to avoid one and let it go on its merry way.  That way, the bug can do its job of eating all the pests.

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