Friday, November 11, 2022

Striking Back!

   While I am one that goes by a mantra of "live and let live". sometimes reflexes take over.  I smacked a critter today before I even really thought about it.  Why?  Because that critter bit the ever-living daylights out of me! STUNG the daylights out of me!  I was minding my own business planting cauliflower in the garden when I felt something on my arm and...bam! stung!  There was no provocation involved!  I did not inadvertently squish the critter.  I was not intruding upon its nesting site.  I was not being rude, ugly nor malicious.  I was planting cauliflower, for goodness sake!  Still, the critter from nowhere stung me!  It hurt.  It hurt a lot so, out of instinct, I smacked it!

  The critter in question here was a slug moth caterpillar.  The moth is not exactly some showstopper beauty nor is the caterpillar.  In fact, most folks go their entire lives without seeing one, much less, have the caterpillar attack them!  Fact is...they do sting.  The caterpillars are covered with fine, stinging "hairs" that can pack a wallop!  It is their defense mechanism.  Due to their stinging abilities, the slug moth caterpillar can go about eating in peace without ever trying to hide.  They also plop out of oak trees occasionally and, if you are ever so lucky (yeah, right), one will fall right on you!  

  Once the slug moth caterpillar decided to sting me and get smacked as a result, I started noticing that there were dozens of the little critters on the ground near where I was working.  Obviously, the critters were dropping from the old, oak tree.  The large limbs drape over the part of the garden where I was working causing me to be in the "right spot but at the wrong time" for both me and the caterpillar.

  So, folks, steer clear of these bright green, little critters.  They do not play nicely!  Personally, I think I will even steer clear of the oak trees for a few days.  No more stings for me, please!             

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