Sometimes when I view the photographs of the day's happenings, they bring back vivid memories of other times. This morning, the rising sun streamed through the pines on the opposite shore casting shadows on the water. Several years ago, I took almost the same photograph...then, last year, the image was nigh on identical. The only difference is the grove of trees is getting vastly thinner with all the "progress" on new houses. No one seems to understand that we actually NEED trees but, what they do across the way is none of my business, I suppose. So, I turn a blind eye to the ruination of the woods and try to find a positive side of it. This is a fault of mine. Let others fret over what is being done since I am old and possibly won't have to deal with the outcome. They can deal with their own mess.

I do not turn a blind eye to everything, however. I am one of those weird people that just looks at things a bit differently. I figure there is beauty in all things if we only search for it...hence, the photograph of shadows on the water. Life is too short to go around viewing ugliness. That brings forth only despair. It is far better to seek out beauty and fill the spirit with tranquility. In this old, angry world, look for serenity and happiness. Find your peace wherever you can. The Bayou is where I find mine.
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